Our priority is to maintain quality of our products and we strive to offer precision-engineered range of Scientific Instruments and Equipments. In order to assure the best quality products are provided to our clients, we procure them from reputed and reliable manufacturers of the industry.
The compact UV-2600i is a universal, research-grade spectrophotometer that can be used in a wide range of fields, and easily expanded to suit the measurement objective. By using the optional integrating sphere, the measurement wavelength range of the UV-2600i can be extended to the near-infrared region of 1400 nm.
CNC Lathe Machine equipped with electronically variable spindle drive allow the selection of the necessary cutting speed at any moment, providing better surface finish, optimizing the wear of the inserts and improving the machining performance. Its state of the art technology makes it ideal for both tool room and production applications with high precision and productivity.
FEATURES: 1. Automatic ignition and ignition energy determination. 2. Automatic water filling and draining. 3. Automatic oxygen filling, venting and flushing. 4. RFID technology for automatic decomposition vessel identification. 5. New design of the decomposition vessel allowing easier and faster sample preparation. 6. USB interface allowing easy data management and software updates.
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